Saturday, August 7, 2010

Camel Lake

During the school year, our homeschool group meets the 1st Friday of each month for Park Day, where we play sports and eat lunch together. Over the summer months when it's too hot for that, we go to Camel Lake!

Yesterday was that day!!

Danny and his friend Anna~

Getting ready for lunch....

Happy Birthday to Sam! We got to share his cake and ice cream!! :)

It stormed a little, but most of it went around us, providing us with a beautiful day to swim and visit! :) I will miss our little summer excursions to Camel Lake. Next month the 1st Friday is replaced with our Back-To-School bash and then starting in October we meet at the park again!

Yup, it's about that time again.....S-C-H-O-O-L!!

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