This week is Homecoming at the local High School. Today was the parade. I took the kids out and we met up with the Smith's on the town square.
Enjoy the pics....I don't have many captions :P
Middle School girls~
Is this redneck or what?? :D
A good cause!
Relaxed.... :D
The back two horses are our neighbor lady and her daughter. They had red tiger paw prints on the horses rumps! :)
The parade was supposed to start at 1 PM, but it was 2 till it got underway! :P BUT, we (the kids) had fun getting trucks to blow their horns and waving at people.....seeing how many would wave back! :) Once when the traffic was stopped for the light, and elderly man, not from the area, asked if there is going to be a parade and Mr. Smith told him that, yes, there was.
Or maybe this is what this small town does.....sits on the curb watching traffic all day! HeeHee!! :)
Sounds like the Tigers rocked their Homecoming game tonight. They won 40-0!! Way to go Tigers!!
I am going to participate in a yard sale with some other Homeschool mom's tomorrow. I hope I sell enough to finish paying Dan's ER bill!! :P That might be stretching it, but every little bit helps!
Say an extra prayer or a couple for Dan. He is finishing up a 10 page research paper tonight....or tomorrow morning. Then he has all his assignments from his 2nd class to do AND he has to preach on Sunday! Also, he will be meeting with the surgeon on Thurs. about his hernia and setting up a surgery date. I will be glad when he gets relief for that!! BUT on the other hand, I don't like surgery. I don't like seeing my man on a hospital bed! :( I know, it's not a complicated surgery, but just the same....I don't like it! :P
And on that note, pray for my brother Darrin's 3 year old son, Duncan. He was born with a hole in his heart and it is not closing up like it should, so he will be having surgery on Jan. 12.
Well, I better get to bed so I can get up in the morning! :)
1 comment:
I love the floats that are only trailers!! so redneck.
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